You always have time for Tim Horton's... Unless you live in Indianapolis
In my last episode I posed the question "If you could do anything you wanted and not be inhibited by what other people think of what you're doing." The responsed ranged from being a bounty hunter in Ireland to living in a mushroom with windows eating only Applebee's boneless wings and dying shortly thereafter. Come to think of it, those responses both came from the Brothers Jews.
Unfortunately I didn't pose my question specific to one's burning heart's desire to change the world like Christ intended. So if there are any thoughts on that, I will gladly hear them. I think we just need to start doing selfless acts regardless of what others think. You may be surprised at the results. Of course don't go for results so much as allowing such a change in your life to be that of character development.
So I had a dream last night I was at Tim Horton's. It may have been Yarmouth, it may have been a small inland town in New Brunswick. Regardless, I think I miss Tim's coffee. We have overpriced Starbuck's will is in the market of experience, not coffee. I have experienced much bad coffee and a hurting wallet to boot. I even thought of starting some Tim Hortons in Northeastern Indy. It could work. But unfortunately, no one would have time for Tim Horton's. Well, let me rephrase that. I don't feel that people have the lags in time that allow them to congregate at any place for hours on end. You can't do anything spontaneously around here! Am I complaining? Probably in some remote way, but I feel like I am just stating the shift in culture. It's just busy busy busy. It's not seriously easy going like Jamaican rum and yes, there is NO time for Tim Horton's.
But with everything we miss, we wouldn't miss it if we never had it in the first place.
What sort of things do you the reader miss? What would your life be like without it? What do you think life would be like if you never experieneced the thing you presently miss? What things have you never experienced that you think you would miss?
I would probably not anxiously await the new levels of Stinkoman from week to week if I never started playing on h*r in the first place. I would probably have more time to finish or think about finishing my school work. I never experienced the canyons in Utah and Arizona. I might miss that... except for the scorpions and rattlesnakes.
And that my friends... are my words for today
I miss Sween. And Japan.
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