Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Of Tommy Lee and Mega Man 3

Don't you hate interruptions? It's kinda like... you're in the middle of a dook and someone knocks on the door real loud and scares you! They don't scare the crap out of you, in fact it's almost like it's scared back into you.

That is not the topic of discussion this morning but the feeling of being interrupted whether you're doing something and the desired result doesn't come to pass because you were startled, or maybe you're watching a movie. It is soooo good and then there's this twist and then the movie sucks all of a sudden. The sudden suckiness takes place of what was to be a catharsis. Take, for example, The Village. The movie builds itself up to make you believe it's set in some small village in the 1800s. And then it turns out... it's not! That was one of those kind of movies. There are others for sure.

So I'm watching TV last night, we only have three channels. Of course all that is on is more updates on the aftermath of Katrina. The stark reality of this is disturbing. I'm watching all this and seeing all the people without homes and the dead bodies and the dogs that are stranded, it's real sucky. And then the news ends. What comes on next? Tommy Lee goes to school. That was an interruption. I was feeling all subdued and this clown comes on and it just blows my mind at the American stupidity called reality TV. I shut it off. This is not a slam on Reality TV. I agree with an other scholar who stated that instead of complaining about it don't watch it. It can't bug you if you're not watching it. All in all this is just an observation of the human psyche in its emotive involvement in entertainment. Quite a profound thing.

What sort of things make you feel interrupted?

I think I'm also longing for the days when I had nothing to do but play Nintendo. Not the case cause I have a job now and a family (and school work...YIKES! ). I'm playing Mega Man 3 on an NES emulator.

What were your favorite NES games of all time? I'm liking Mega Man because I always anxiously await the new level of Stinkoman on h*r.

And that my friends... are my words for today


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fave NES game...either World Class Track Meet (with the pad) or The Legend of Zelda. Oh, and Tecmo Super Bowl. Frig, I can't narrow it down...choose for me?

4:22 PM  
Blogger Sween said...

For you... the Jew... I pick Legend of Zelda. If I were to pick one for you from random ones it would Barbie's play house. mwa ha ha!

12:06 PM  
Blogger t4stywh34t said...

- The Legend of Zelda (and to hell with its side-scrolling sequel)
- Double Dribble
- Bad News Baseball

2:48 AM  

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