The unfinished life

I met Brian McLaren today. I went to a very insightful conference of his about the Unfinished Congregation. I loved it! My heart just resonates with what he's teaching. I think very much the spirit of our present age is shifting. Everyone is into social justice so it's almost as if people are standing for things and being active with those less fortunate. Look at Bono and Lara Croft in the recent expeditions over the past while with third world countries. It's like people have this drive to make their lives count. Yet it seems as though the Christianity that clings to absolutism of the modern age, just isn't what people are looking for. Christianity seems synomymous with Anti-homosexuality and exclusive, and hypocritical. Certain Christian individual may not be that way, but we have to get out of our mould and allow this shift in age to bring us up to date and maybe even being catalysts for change for the future.
I, myself have been very influenced by this shift in spirit. My heart yearns for no more hypocrisy, no more walking by the opressed and poor. It's time to get off my ass and do something. And often times I may put too much burden on myself and say it's too BIG but I believe very much our responsibility is to take on those big things as a collective unit.
So much to think about. I don't want to invite people to church because God isn't there. We lean so heavily on experience. We want a tangible God, and the thing is is that God is tangible and experienceable. And anbother thing is that people want to be heard, not told how God is, or what to do to fit into a mould. I guess I'm venting a minute stream of frustrations with the way things have been done. Sure, I'm half cut right now... well, not really, but I guess I'm wanting to let the world know we need to make disciples not converts. It may be a long painful process but hey, it's worth it. Christ didn't die so we ould commercialize Christianity or to sit on our ass everyday of the week.
Those are my words for today.
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