Friday, September 29, 2006

Wednesday and Thursday

Well, I did say that my goal would be clarified as time went on in my initial blog regarding this experiment.

It's not what I do at work. It's more what I do with the clientele I work with when I'm not working. Whether it's befriending a Romanian student to make her feel more situated in this hemisphere or going rock wall climbing with a senior at my school, I thinking it's the small targets that one makes the more impact instead of spreading myself too thin by means of buckshoting and scattering fruitlessness abroad.

And though I have one more post regarding this experiment, I must say that I've already been practicing the principles of this experiment. Especially with some youth group kids, most of them in the "bands" I place them. My big experiemnt with them eventually is to work a portfolio of songs we can record.

It's the friendships with kids that I foster that make me really love my job. I feel more connected socially here than last year. I will conclude the experiment tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Not unlike yesterday, but I did hang out with the youth pastor and introduce him to "Frisbee Golf". I don't know that that was really discipleship so much as just having fun.

I was pre-disposed yesterday to not treat a client so nicly seeing that I heard how he was rude to one of my co-workers yesterday. I guess there is a fine line between friendship and professional relationships and discipleship and friendship again.

So realistically, my experiement is not proving results due to lack of intentionality. Maybe I'll do better Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Well, my plan isn't as deliberate as I'd like it to be. Friday and Saturday were more discipleship days than yesterday. But realistically, it was Monday. I was tired and the only thing I did deliberately was go rock climbing with Josh. But maybe today I'm off to a better start by already expressing to a co-worker of mine that I'm sorry she's having a bad day and I can't fix it. Maybe...

Oh yeah, I did have Tyler, Stephen and Matt over to practice Wednesday's set of music. I always love that. If I could get a full time job helping put songs together...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Experiment

Over the next week (like next week, Monday to Friday) I'm doing ane xperiemnt. I just thought of it while shaving and trimming my sideburns. I'm going to pretend where I work is where I pastor. My big question is: "What is discipleship". Whether this experiment has a point or not stands to question and whether the experiment is useful will be the other question. So we shall see... HSE... what does it mean to be... DISCIPLED! M'wa!

Hopefully my objective will clear itself up as we move along.

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Sobriety of Death

You hear about people dying all the time. Maybe I'm fortunate that not a lot of people I know personally die. But even some people that you've never met have an influence on you somehow, when they pass on there is a certain unavoidable emptiness that dwells when you think of them. Two of these people for me are Darrell Lance Abbott (Dimebag Darrell) and Steve Irwin (The Crocodile Hunter)

I remember where I was I heard about the unfortunate, untimely death of Dimebag Darrell. I was at the church office working away when I thought I heard the name "Dimebag Darrell" and "people were shot to death" all in the same story. I couldn't believe it so I looked on the internet. True enough. Sad days.
Though it happened December 8th, 2004, it is still a heavy oppressive thought to me to think that my favorite metal guitarist was murdered. Not only that, he was murdered on stage by some crazed ex-fan who accused him of breaking up Pantera. Give me a break! I can't imagine what it must have been like for Vinne Paul to see his brother shot down. I used to think he was invincible.

This was another dissappointment. I love the Crocodile Hunter. Though I never watched his shows much, there was this unconscious joy I had knowing that that crazy Crodile Hunter was somewhere catching some dangerous animal. And the enthusiasm with which he sought such creatures. The first line I heard was from Matt Shulaw and Luke Adams because they watched the show in our hotel room while I was sleeping. They told me about it the next day: "Stop! A Snake!"; "The snake wasn't much of a problem but I had to sure look out for that barb-wire fence.

I wish I could have met them in person. I think now I can only begin to understand the gravity of John Lennon's death and Kurt Cobain's death as well. I wasn't aware that John Lennon was killed, I was only a baby. Unfortunately, I never got into Nirvana until 1995. Sorry this topic was morbid but I think I am starting to understand the dynamics of death and its effect on other people.