Tuesday, August 29, 2006

On Atrophy

I remember when I used to be a relatively accomplished guitarist and bass player. I have discovered that if you don't keep being a student of these things (or anything for that matter) you lose your ability or to play at the pace you used to, you get hurt.

This Sunday I played at a church in Anderson. I could play the same guitar leads I used to with a few errors here and there. Slap bass ain't what it used to be either. I added a slapp riff to "I'll Fly away" and it sounds cool and at a MM of about 120, it's manageable but my wrist got sore. Well, unbeknownst to me, the worship leader wanted about 240 MM. When we reach that speed I could hardly breathe for the pain. It felt like my hand was going to fall off and my pinky kept hitting a string wrong and would get under my fingernail.

So the problem is, I need to practice more. Or maybe that's the solution. The real problem is that I don't practice.

Pop tarts give me gas

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

On post-academic life

Again, the question of purpose rears its ugly head: What are you going to do with your life?

Apparently, we are enslaved to finding that career that pays the bills and gives you a little more for a rainy day. And when you know what you're doing is temporary It can drive you mad because you don't know what you really want to do. Oh yeah and my former pangs for a cigarette from olden days have compounded the last couple days into an all out urge to have one...BAD!

So here's the question. What should I do with my life? I will consider the answer that shows up most often and pursue that. At the risk of subjecting myself to something more rash than Russian Roulette I am asking you out there to tell me what to do with my life when I'm done working here after two years.

Thank you.

Monday, August 14, 2006

These are the days of overdone pretentious worship songs

My friends, I have something important to tell you. It is so important a secret handshake has been made assert the gravity of this subject. Let me explain the porcedure for the handshake.

1. Clasp each other's forearm firmly

2. Look squarely in the eye of your associate

3. In the most somber, serious face while locking gaze simply state, "These are the days of Elijah"

4. If for any reason a smile is cracked or a bout of laughter occurs, abort the handshake because it is too late. You have already treated the Days of Elijah with irreverence.

Let's think about this. THESE are the days of Elijah. Not the days when he was alive and kicking, but today and everyday we experience are the Days of Elijah. We must seriously approach this fact. Afterall, it's in a worship song. Also, it has been brought to my attention that These are also the days that David is rebuilding the temple of Praise. So, even though God told David that his son, Solomon would build the temple, apparently David is RE-building it. The only way to make sense of this is to say that David came back to build AGAIN what his son built. I dunno why but it's happening because THESE are the days.

I hope all my readers can fully grasp this theological truth.

OKAY... I'm done with that. I do all this to help us think of what we sing about. Because we hear the song in our church more than once a month it is necessary to mock it. Well, maybe not necessary, but I have established with the youth group this secret handshake. I encourage you all to share it with your friends because-- SERIOUSLY-- REMEMBER-- THESE ARE THE DAYS OF ELIJAH.

One more thing. These lyrics actually lend themselves to a great hardcore version of the song

Until I write about being the new faculty member on the block... farewell

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Back to School Special

Today I saw Rob Meeks. He looked really cute with his beard and hat and big sunglasses. It was sure nice to see him.

Today is also the last day of my "Interim Youth Pastor" position at Trinity Wesleyan. Through this experience I've discovered two things. 1) When I'm with Teenagers, I just like to have fun and 2) I am not a serious student of the Bible. Perhaps this latter discovery is the reason for the discontentment in my life. Part of me thinks it's because I'm not getting anything from the services at TWC. Some may reply "It's not what you get but what can you give." Yeah, yeah, don't give me that bullshit. I give a lot. And when I give I have immense dischord in my innermost psyche. At least when I give musically. I guess because I'm not a big fan of "Days of Elijah" or any other hit worship songs from the recent years. Maybe musically, I just want to be a rockstar. maybe worship has a different shape for me. But we'll leave this at that.

Here's my new favorite song for the next few days: "No One Knows" by Queens of the Stoneage

I'll write again soon because I have some deep theological truths to share with the whole world about the Days of Elijah. It made Rob Meeks laugh when I shared it with him.