On Atrophy
I remember when I used to be a relatively accomplished guitarist and bass player. I have discovered that if you don't keep being a student of these things (or anything for that matter) you lose your ability or to play at the pace you used to, you get hurt.
This Sunday I played at a church in Anderson. I could play the same guitar leads I used to with a few errors here and there. Slap bass ain't what it used to be either. I added a slapp riff to "I'll Fly away" and it sounds cool and at a MM of about 120, it's manageable but my wrist got sore. Well, unbeknownst to me, the worship leader wanted about 240 MM. When we reach that speed I could hardly breathe for the pain. It felt like my hand was going to fall off and my pinky kept hitting a string wrong and would get under my fingernail.
So the problem is, I need to practice more. Or maybe that's the solution. The real problem is that I don't practice.
Pop tarts give me gas
cauliflower is bad for gas as well
I'm using that as a sermon illustration this Sunday.
Practice makes permanent, not perfect, so if you must practice do it carefully. (Drinking a pot of coffee has the same effect as Pop Tarts.)
most everything gives me gas.
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