Monday, August 14, 2006

These are the days of overdone pretentious worship songs

My friends, I have something important to tell you. It is so important a secret handshake has been made assert the gravity of this subject. Let me explain the porcedure for the handshake.

1. Clasp each other's forearm firmly

2. Look squarely in the eye of your associate

3. In the most somber, serious face while locking gaze simply state, "These are the days of Elijah"

4. If for any reason a smile is cracked or a bout of laughter occurs, abort the handshake because it is too late. You have already treated the Days of Elijah with irreverence.

Let's think about this. THESE are the days of Elijah. Not the days when he was alive and kicking, but today and everyday we experience are the Days of Elijah. We must seriously approach this fact. Afterall, it's in a worship song. Also, it has been brought to my attention that These are also the days that David is rebuilding the temple of Praise. So, even though God told David that his son, Solomon would build the temple, apparently David is RE-building it. The only way to make sense of this is to say that David came back to build AGAIN what his son built. I dunno why but it's happening because THESE are the days.

I hope all my readers can fully grasp this theological truth.

OKAY... I'm done with that. I do all this to help us think of what we sing about. Because we hear the song in our church more than once a month it is necessary to mock it. Well, maybe not necessary, but I have established with the youth group this secret handshake. I encourage you all to share it with your friends because-- SERIOUSLY-- REMEMBER-- THESE ARE THE DAYS OF ELIJAH.

One more thing. These lyrics actually lend themselves to a great hardcore version of the song

Until I write about being the new faculty member on the block... farewell


Blogger Jason said...

Sween, we owe you a debt of gratitude,. first for showing us was is without a doubt that handshake that will get us into heaven....
second, for shedding light on this grave truth of the song....

thank you
heh heh

10:42 PM  
Blogger tonymyles said...

It could have been Butterfly Kisses instead.

3:44 AM  
Blogger Jo said...

Sween! ha ha. Thank you for having the courage to post irreverently :) My respect for you has only grown. I usually disect and critique worship songs, but had not done this one yet, and let's just say, I'm glad to see that you have done it.

10:02 AM  
Blogger Sween said...


All I can say is I was glad to do it. It was too well kept a secret that must be shared!!

4:14 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

Good jorb, Sween.

10:13 PM  
Blogger matthew said...

I didn't like the song at first. I like it now. I just interpret it as a reminder that God is active today. That our faith isn't just about what God has done in the past, but what He is still doing today. His word is going out, lives are being changed, and people are being saved.

I think the reason some people don't like it is b/c our age group tends to be very pessimistic about the state of the church right now (in some ways, rightfully so) and it's an upbeat song about God's current activity.

12:45 AM  
Blogger Sween said...

Go to Be-ad Matt

I respect your opinion.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

I don't have your email, but we live south of Kansas City KS, but not far from Kansas City MO....when will you be email is

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was great to see you man...and I feel privileged to have learned the handshake in person at your house!

:) love you buddy, hope to see you again soon

10:26 PM  
Blogger t4stywh34t said...

Um, about the seeing the Rob and Chuck deal...yeah, you're right. I'll be mailing you a Tim Tam from Australia for your efforts.

In other news, I saw Elijah walking along the street yesterday drinking a Coke, and I thought to myself, "these must really be the days of Elijah. And it's cool that he drinks Coke."

So maybe I just made up that last part.

1:50 AM  
Blogger t4stywh34t said...

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1:51 AM  
Blogger matthew said...

haha, thanks for the reminder sween. I had temporarily forgot that i should be in be-ad :)

11:15 PM  
Blogger Sarah Beth said...

Hey Sween, this is Sarah Wiedmaier, formally Sarah Brown, and I happened across your blog and found this post interesting because I used to not like this song because I didn't really understand it, and I didn't think it could be understood by the congregation singing it. I happened to come across an explanation of the song from Robin Mark, and I now have a new found appreciation for this song. At least now I understand it. I thought I would share this with you. Here it is for what it's worth.

11:25 AM  

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