The Back to School Special
Today I saw Rob Meeks. He looked really cute with his beard and hat and big sunglasses. It was sure nice to see him.
Today is also the last day of my "Interim Youth Pastor" position at Trinity Wesleyan. Through this experience I've discovered two things. 1) When I'm with Teenagers, I just like to have fun and 2) I am not a serious student of the Bible. Perhaps this latter discovery is the reason for the discontentment in my life. Part of me thinks it's because I'm not getting anything from the services at TWC. Some may reply "It's not what you get but what can you give." Yeah, yeah, don't give me that bullshit. I give a lot. And when I give I have immense dischord in my innermost psyche. At least when I give musically. I guess because I'm not a big fan of "Days of Elijah" or any other hit worship songs from the recent years. Maybe musically, I just want to be a rockstar. maybe worship has a different shape for me. But we'll leave this at that.
Here's my new favorite song for the next few days: "No One Knows" by Queens of the Stoneage
I'll write again soon because I have some deep theological truths to share with the whole world about the Days of Elijah. It made Rob Meeks laugh when I shared it with him.
Hi Sween :)
Sween... I answered your question on my blog but I figured I'd answer it here too... yeah the bridge is still there. Why were you at Scotian Glen camp?? That's awesome :) It was great to hear from you!
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Here's a deep theological truth: "If you have seen the Rob, you have also seen the Chuck. For no one has seen the Rob except through the Chuck."
And there you have it.
Meeks, I'm confused. I saw Rob. Therefore I saw you (except for the evil scar).
So, wouldn't it stand to reason that no one has seen Chuck except through Rob, not vice versa?
Wow... that's deep. By the way what's up with this interm youth pastor deal? You never mentioned that before... or did you?
And the thing I don't get about Days of Elijah is that line "these are the days of your sevant David rebuilding the temple of praise"... There was no temple in David's day; he wanted to build it but God said no, so Solomon built it.... didn't RE-build it.
Hmm... well, hold Meeks for me. I'm sad he's leaving the district.
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