Monday, September 26, 2005

The Game of Life

I love the fact we don't know erverything. I was just talking to Maves today. I was hoping to talk to Ross too. Those are a couple of my favorite guys. I guess this whole life thing is more like a journey about things we know nothing about except how we like to like things and how we should think that people like to be liked too. I guess this is entirely theoretical or something and I'm sure I make no sense because words don't come to me that describe this journey at all.

It's almost like all the things Christianity lobbies for to the detriment of making an ass of itself are not what I stand for at all. Sure, there are wrongs in the world. It's a messed up place. I certainly do not think that we're coming that close to end times. In fact, I'm beginning to approach Scripture less as an answer book and more like... a history or a portrait... something that reveals something about the very nature of redemption and the continual reminder that nothing has changed.

Humanity has this tendancy to choose less than the best and in turn produces what we call evil. This has been the way it's always been and I think our job as followers of Christ are to be catalysts for redemption. I've fully embraced that redemption is not about tell gays they're going to hell, but it's more coming alongside and telling them that they're the same as everyone else, but with a different issue and that being gay is the same in God's economy as guys who lust after other women, or marrieds who divorce.

To properly be an anti-abortionist is to proactively adopt and come alongside a confused hurting carrier of a fetus who hasn't really known love perhaps and is in this state of trying to find love through giving her body to guys who don't really love and as a result they create life. On top of her confusion and guilt, Christian lobbyists protest, perhaps laying the whole "You're going to hell" deal instead of listening to their fears, guilts, etc. should they so divulge.

In fact, I would daresay, I'm a Democratic Christian (but being a Canadian, I really don't adhere to an American Left or Right, but I'm certainly more left than right) but my saying that is mostly an expression of my against the grainness.

During election time last November, I found it interesting how the Christian sect supports the Bush administration. Why? Because:
1) They are Pro-life
2) Against Homosexual Marriage
3) On a mnission to wipe out "infidels", I mean... terrorists.

Response by one guy, namely myself:
1) I have already asserted my post-colonial view of an apporach to Abortion.

2) I have kind of asserted my position about loving gays into the kingdom but to allay fears that I support gay marriage, I will say this. Gay marriage is not the issue. This is the product, perhaps, of shunning a group that wants some acceptance and rights the same a hetero-sexual couples do. I do believe marriage to be the union of one man and one woman for LIFE unless for reasons such as death or infidelity. So, if a group who loves Jesus and people really wanted to make a difference, I would daresay, share your imperfections and that Christ came to reattach this broken world, really. There is so much hurt that leads to sin and evil. Our job is not to lobby, but to labor... in love... selflessly.

3) I understand the events of 9/11 to be tragic. It seems that the terrorism rooted in Afganistan under direction of Osama. Hey! has anyone heard from him these days? Nope. He remember George sr.? Yeah, I think 'Desert Storm' occured in his regime... yep. It did. Hey! What happened to the 'War on Terrorism'? Oh, it's still there with new title 'War in Iraq'. Would this have happened if the hornet nest wasn't stirred? Hard to say. Too much looks like in my mind the recovery of the unfinished work of the Senior's administration.

To anyone I've offended, remember, this is my opinion and I'm not lobbying against the administration. I'm hoping to challenge everyone's worldview. I'm not suggesting I'm right. This is my opinion. Of course I think I have some correctness, but everyone who has an opinion likes to think it's correct. Please, let's learn to learn... not take things for fact because it's been presented to us by the Church or media that "This is the way it is". I think in any case of polar opposites, there is good and bad in any extreme.

Now I will go into hiding...


Blogger matthew said...

Yeah, you're mostly wrong

hehe, j/k

I voted for G.W. Bush because I think he's a better man & leader than John Kerry. But to be honest, I don't really like either of them a ton.

I think it is quite sad that many christians are primarily republicans instead of primarily disciples. But the reverse would be just as bad.

The world is full of bad days & bad news. Politicians disappoint. As Christians we have good news and a King that is faithful.

I like the ending of the movie se7en...

Ernest Hemingway once said, 'the world is a fine place & worth fighting for'...I agree with the 2nd part.

5:14 PM  
Blogger matthew said...

By 'the reverse' I meant being 'primarily democrats'.

Being primarily a disciple would be spledid

5:17 PM  
Blogger Sween said...


That's it! Primarily Disciples! If we could encourage people the learn how to think and evaluate bits and pieces of things in stead of adhering to a whole. But the world is highly opinionated therefore highly subjective.

I would like to see the movie Se7en. I've heard good things about it back in H.School.


You sound educated. I think you put into words most of my thinking and brought a different slant as to what someone may feel about bearing a child out of rape.
I will disagree that they can't change. What I mean is, I believe that if a gay wanted help being ungay, he could rememdy it, but of course, he may not ever be cured of it. He may still gravitate toward the same sex in thought, but it does very messy. And changing people's lifestyles is not what I'm about. I can't do that. I can only love people in hopes of showing God's love and from there allowing that person to grow closer to God and if so desired, that person can start the journey to Hetero reorientation.

I don't understand the factors that make a person gay. But I do not shun them because Jesus died for them too.

I actually tend to shun hard assed church folk :)

Thanks for your responses!

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally understand where you're coming from Sween, makes a lot of sense. Without sharing my view on politics and all that, I will say that Christians sometimes don't understand that we're not going to do much life-changing stuff simply by trying to change policy. Politics don't change lives, neither does religion; but relationship does. It's a scientific fact.

As far as your view of Scripture, I'm not even gonna go there... :)

8:17 PM  

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