Getting Old and Bands from the Nineties

Sometimes I forget how old I am. You can certainly relate if you are someone who has surpassed all the anticipated milestones that occur in life. Let me break them down for you:
Age 16: You get to drive a car (or at least go for your beginner's license and provided you don't fail that twice you can get your restricted permit in due time).
Age 18: In the States you can purchase cigarettes and other tobacco products if you're into that kind of thing.
Age 19: Ahhh, that magic age in Canada where you can drink and smoke (legally). Lottery tickets can also be purchased.
Age 21: If you're American NOW you can finally buy liquor. I remember this being an age where it was nice to be an age that is 7 times 3 which two OTHER magic numbers.
Age 23: I think I could rent a car... I can't remember. Yeah, I'm pretty sure
Age 25: You CAN RENT A TRUCK!!!!! BOO-YAH! (you are also at a short lived balance between 20 and 30
Age 65: Retirement
As you can see, I don't have much else to look forward to as far as age is concerned. Of course there are certain milestones that occur in the course of life like marriage (am currently experiencing that) child birth (uhhh.... not that yet) and child rearing (in which the whole age cycle is perpetuated unless changes in drinking and driving age occur).
While I am talking about age, I must stress this important fact. The music you thought was cool whill eventually NOT be cool anymore. Well, maybe it's not that drastic, but your old music will most likely be forgetten unless you decide to educate the up and comings about what was (and still is) cool back in the day.
This observation came to me recently. I went to a flea market and I bought some old CDs. Among them was Silverchair Freak Show and Rage Against the Machine Self-Titled.

You can imagine my delight as I came across these treasures. Imagine my dismay as a guitar teacher who also works at a high school when I tell my students "Guess what I bought? Some old Rage Cds and a Silverchair cd!" "Uuugh... whut? Never heard of them"
If that is how I ended this post it would be rather dismal. But let me leave you with this: I was much delighted in my recent dialog with Whitey about music we liked back in the day (mind you my high school days were his college days) and it lifted my soul. So now we have reminiscing and nostalgia to look forward to!
Until retirement... this is all I have to say.
You mean there are little punks running around who have never heard of Rage? Time to bring down the Steel Curtain on those dudes.
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