A long time coming
**This is an addendum to this particular post. It has been express by some that I am not really married. All I have to say is that I am and I will post random pictures over the course of time. Keep your eyes open!**

It occurred to me that I have not written for a long time. That is true. It was brought to my attention by a friend of mine who I will refer to as "Dan the Man".
So what sort of zaniness will I script tonight? Well, for one I must say I enjoy C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy (despite the very different and almost boresome third book in the series). However, reading this third book of it I am reminded of my roots. Not that my roots are founded in 1950s England, but rather in the fact that it is foggy and the characters enjoy doing work over a brew or smokes. Albeit, smoking is a bad habit with inherent health risks. However, this cat enjoys a social drag now and then. And of course there's the social brew.
I'm not really advocating or protesting anything, I guess I'm sharing just a few of my favorite things. I would also like to be a novelist someday. Right now, I guess I will resort to just being me. And that me is going to play my guitar at a coffee shoppe (or cafe, if you will) Saturday morning.
Maybe I will have something more to share. I'm always thinking and most likely always concocting something controversial in my worldview at best.
That, friends, are my words for today
good to see you're still alive!
I agree, the third book just came outta nowhere...Perelandra was by far my favorite
I like them, too.
welcome back honky
WHOAH! You're in fishers Indiana since WHEN, and you're MARRIED???? AAHHHH! (remember me from CHOSEN 2003? 'cause we were so popular;-)
I just started reading them too, very interesting!
Remember the time we (you me, Johnny and Andy) had the video camera and were taking photos outside..and you came out with this random comment about "the Guess Who". I was thinking about that today, and began to miss all the good times.
I hear you're married, do you have pictures to prove she exists?
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