Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Breaking Murphy's Law

The answer: YOU CAN'T!!

You would think as often as I have been using a hammer these last few week I would learn how not to hit my thumb. Well, I do an okay job of it and I have mentioned in a previous post about how I had a mishap in church with a hammer.

Today I was nailing Soffit into the bottom of a bay window juncture. If you don't know what soffit is, don't worry about it. It's aluminum sheeting of some sort. The important detail is the tiny nail with a tiny nail head I have to use to secure these things. Luckily Nelson left cause I wouldn't want him to question my... salvation or something because of the words I used (loudly, mind you) when I smashed my thumb with a nail. It is bruised now. I wondered if the Amish fellahs heard me. I should have said "flacon de mais*" cause it does the same thing only has less harsher meaning. I guess...

Here's where Murphy's law comes in. I think there is an addendum to the law that states "If you injure yourself, it is guaranteed that injury will keep coming into contact with solid objects at a high speed or vice versa." I must've hit my thumb ten more times since then. Not only that, as I was walking, I rammed my thumb into the claw part of my hammer. Tell me, how often does that happen? I have not experienced that since I've been using the loop in my carpenter's pants for the hammer like it should be. I tell ya!

Now the areas around my thumb (spec. index finger) come into contact with something that harms it. I came home for lunch (still home as I write) and open the cupboard door for a glass. Wouldn't you know it my finger got stuck begind the handle and twisted it. Makes me mad! Anyhow, enough ranting for now. These things add character I know. This is more about the only law I know of that cannot be broken.

* flacon de mais is french for "corn flakes". So if you ever get mad, yell "flacon de mais" and people will think, "Oh, this guy is mad mad mad!" But really, you're just saying "Corn flakes!" Doesn't work so well in english.


Blogger t4stywh34t said...

I'd like to see a pic of your hand at this point. Pretty soon we'll be able to call you "Dr. Mangle-a". Get it? Like, Dr. Mengele? The nasty Nazi guy? Because you hate Jews and you're German? Yeah? Yeah?

Ok, maybe not. It was worth a try.


7:12 PM  
Blogger Sween said...

Dear The Jew's evil twin.

I don't hate Jews. They make great pillows. Seriously though, that German side of me doesn't kick in until the Irish side of me has heavily drunken. That doesn't happen so much anymore seeing the lack of anything good from over indulging.

But on other notes, you must know Aram is going to Scotland soon. I'm watching the TV series lost, and it's based off of a plane crash that happened off the coast of Australia. I guess I was thinking you must be having fun in Aussieland.

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Sveenie Daag,

I think your blog is really cool. Do you ever run out of super cool ideas to blog about? I was just wondering because it seems like you always have cool things to blog about.

Crapfully crap,
A Da Real Jew

1:13 PM  
Blogger t4stywh34t said...

Australia is good, but I think they're due for some sort of invasion.

On a lighter note, Scotland is cool.

And just so you know, the word verification implement of Blogger has caused me to type in the word "eayqoqul", which I hope you realize offends me greatly as both a Jew and a lover of pies.

1:55 AM  
Blogger Sween said...

Dear a Da real Jew.

Look man. I have the problem of brain cramping all the time. It's when I sit down to write blogs that all myt good ideas elude me. I think I'll get some evil doctor to invent some brain machine to capture and post my thoughts. It's when I'm driving nails in vinyl siding that I have my deepest most clever thoughts.

As for your evil twin brother. I don't understand his deal with "eayqoqul". It's not even a real word!

Now A Da Real Pizza pie, stop signing Crapfully crap. I am now going eat A Da Real Pizza...bye!

11:40 AM  

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