What's up? Who cares?
Some of you out there may stumble upon my site from time to time perhaps out of curiousity regarding not having heard from or of me for a while. I do actually treasure my Bethany acquaintenceships and the other random friendships I have gathered on the road. It has been brought to my attention by a couple people (one an Italian girl who I head went to IWU thinking it meant Italian Women's University and another gal who was my neighbour for a few months and misinterpretted various things I said which made me sound like a very dirty man) that there is genuine curiousity about my current whereabouts, status and occupation. Here's the timeline:
June 2004 I take on an internship at Trinity Wesleyan in Indianapolis. I develop a deep friendship with one Jonathan Shepherd

In that course of time I realized that "Church work" ain't where it's at for this cat. But I still stayed there a year anyway, mostly for an immigration advantage and marriage and all sorts of things that required some form of formality about them and that was actualized by my re-entrance into the States on an R-1 visa in January 2005. But there were some fun times in the office. Times where me and Jono had to remove some equipment from the office and it got "damaged" in transit. I think we "accidentally" dropped a printer, an air conditioning unit (that accidentally fell from the roof), and pumpkins I think. There was some foodstuff that we ended up playing baseball with.
July 2005 Me and Emily get married! I don't care if that was bad grammar. But the fact stands that there are some unbelievers. Well, that's too strong of a word but you get the gist. Here is a random sampling of some wedding photos.

Also in July I got my Employment Authorization card. I tried my hand as a painting contractor. Did a couple jobs and changed my mind. I also worked construction on a house for a guy building the house for his daughter. That was fun. I learned a lot about carpentry, concrete, and siding (my favorite part!)
October 2005 I celebrated my birthday in Gulfport, Mississippi. "I totally got FEMA'd" was the running phrase midst my crew. I tarped roofs and participated in cleaning up a yard that had rotting pork bellies and chickens. They were there for two months by that time. One of these pics is a shot of burning clothes after a day of working in rotting filth.

December 2005 I start my new job as an Orthopedic Instructional.... no... Orthopedically Impaired... no, not sure that's it... Instructional Assistant to the Orthopedically Impaired... blast it! I help out a couple kids who have special needs do to dibilitating degenerative conditions. It's pretty rewarding but I don't feel like I do much. If I can be Jesus to them I guess that'll count. Being in high school is weird. I have a hard time dissolving from the cool Sween who wants to be the friend of all the kid and listen to their music and applying the authoritative Sween who tells kids not to swear, which, in my opinion is not a worthy battle. Will some kid say down the road, "Gee, thanks for getting after me that day when I said the "s" word, Mr. Sweeney! I'm a changed (wo)man because of it!" Yeah, right.
Anyway, this is my life. Am I who you want to be?
I always care...good to see you're still alive and kicking and aren't a bum on the side of the road playing guitar for liquor money. Not that I expect you to become that some day or something...but you get my drift :)
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Oh, I very much knew it weren't no women's University. Do you think I went to IWU to be around JUST GIRLS???? Yeah right:-)
I understand now! Stinks that I had no idea you were in Indiana. I was attending the Crux spring semester 2005. Thanks fer 'splainin'.
I prostitute myself for liquor money. I play my guitar for smokes
ah, it's all clear now. so what do you do so that you can buy more guitars? :)
Sell drugs
Did you know killing people makes more money? You can talk to my Uncle Joe.*
*fortunately my Uncle Joe is too old to blog, or else he'd kill me for saying so.
Wow, Sween, I just saw you yesterday and here you are on the internet.
How I miss seeing your beady German eyes.
You and your wife should come to Australia with me and my wife. You can even be the youth pastor of my church if you want!
Black and white cookie, good episode.
I think you'd be great in Oz. Think of the benefits: awesome climate, free healthcare (for you, since you're a Canadian citizen)...uh...well, I guess that's all I can really think of.
But between me, you, and my wife, we've got a three-piece band. Not too shabby, eh? Four-piece if you'll allow Satan to have your soul for another two arms to play bass and guitar at the same time.
Uhhh... Mr. Imperial,
I regret to inform you I CAN play bass and guitar simultaneously already. I'm sure the Italian gal saw me do it in North Michigan Camp in 2003.
But you'd still want me in the band even after I (not conceivably) sold my soul to you-know-who? You make me sick, evil twin, with your scarred eyebrow resting above your quasi-beady eyes.
My eyes are squinty by the way. It's the narrow eyeholes.
yea, I definitely saw you play guitar and bass at the same time at a gong show at Bethany. so I dunno what benefit there would really be in selling your soul. but think, though, two more arms and you could play drums at the same time as well! then you wouldn't need Charles or Cherith, so then it might defeat the point.
point is, you're probably doing okay the way you are. :)
Also, if I had multiple arms, I would challenge Goro from Mortal Kombat (or any other polypedes from various fighting games).
Ok, so maybe the soul-selling is a bit over-the-top.
Is there a video of this guitar+bass feat?
With all those arms, you could start a...back sctraching masousse business? (I don't know how to spell the m-word, and I'm too lazy to look it up)
I can verify his multiple instrument playing abilities. I might even have a pic. I can play the nose flute and maybe some pathetic piano with my toes and one hand. Does that count?
The back scratching massueuse (actually massuer would be a male massagist, if I spelt it right) could work with my multiple arms but I'm afraid I'm not a fan of multiple other people's oily skin and dead skin flakes under my fingernails.
By the way, a female entrepreneur would be an entrepreneuse, and I believe a female administrator is an administrix. These are words I learned a long time ago so I may have misspelled a couple of them or whatever.
Jew #2, yeah, you evil Jew twin, I have an entire blog to write about in response to working at a church.
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